The Brattleboro Women’s Chorus is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We rely on singer fees, concert income, fundraisers and donations in order to meet our budgetary needs.
Donations go a long way towards meeting our operational expenses, including costs for rehearsal and concert space, our amazing musical director, permissions from composers to sing their songs, and our generous scholarship fund, which enables many singers to afford the tuition and keeps the chorus accessible to all who want to sing.
Your donation is completely tax-deductible and will be sincerely appreciated. You can make a donation online using the form below. Please note: if you do not receive an instant email confirmation once submitting the form, your donation did not go through. Please close your browser, restart your computer, and try again!
Donation Form
Please note: if you do not receive an instant email confirmation once submitting the form, your donation did not go through. Please close your browser, restart your computer, and try again!
Please do NOT use this form if you are trying to pay singer or concert fees!
Contact to get the correct form to complete.